vendredi 22 novembre 2019

My Minecraft server Hosting Pro review (2019)


I'm taking a bit time to write a review for a minecraft server hosting provider i'm currently using with success.

It's very treaky to find a reliable host, trust me, i tried a lot, this market is totally satured, there is so many new actors that want to earn a part of it.

So, i do like this one because he is simple, have a nice design, and don't oversell features, you instantly know what you buy.

There is no hidden fees, it's a good thing, also they don't automaticaly charge you to renew your server, so you don't get traped if you don't want to renew it.

You just have to take care to think about, but at least, i don't lose money on a server that was not using, because i just forgot i had it on renew...

Anyway, what's the major point i like them ? 

They are one of the only one to provide their own server hardware, this mean the design, and assemblate all their servers.

So, they don't resell other brand server, as ovh, or so, they do make a choice, select, and bench the right hardware to use, in order to get a low latency minecraft server.

It's all make the difference, because you are able to play without lag, and install a lot of plugins, and minecraft mods.

How ? Because they are using the lastest hardware available, as the AMD Ryzen 3900X CPU, this processor is a real beast, that outperform all previous Intel CPU.

You can check it on geekbench or cpubenchmark, it's outstanding, this with DDR4 and NVMe disk !

When you know that most minecraft hosters provide SSD at 500MB/s speed...

You get over 3000MB/s on nvme.. it's a new world... imaging that it was the speed of memory a couple of years ago..

Now you get this on Disk, it's crazy.

A good point, is that they don't oversell their server, they always keep a 50% margin at minimum on them.

All server CPU is kept under 50% usage

What this mean ?

This mean that the total CPU usage, on each machine that host minecraft servers, is kept bellow 50% of charge.

With 24 Thread by CPU, this mean, always 12 Thread are on iddle, so if you need a Boost of power on your minecraft server, then all the power is instantly available.

You will not have lag, it's why on many hoster, you see lags messages ingame, because they try to put a maximum of server by machine, to keep a hight income rate.

They are from minecraft community, as gamers, they want the best, and to provide the best, anyway, they are on the business since 2012, they saw a lot of servers, customers using their services.

One of their force, is to develop their own hosting control panel, so they don't use multicraft like 80% of hosters.

They are so free to do what they want, without having to pay for a licence, so the money saved can be used directly on hardware.

The new minecraft panel they are working on

They try to keep as simple as possible the funcionality, so everyone without knowing nothing on computers can administrate his server.

They propose most Minecraft packs on one click install, anyway now all hosters propose this..

So, the main difference is really about the hardware that host my minecraft.
It's why i made the choice to go to them.
Because they are fully transparent on it, as they post on twitter when they receice new hardware, they show how they assemble it and so...

They are geek, as me, they do everything by their own, they don't pay other people to do the job for them... 

So here is my first review, 
I hope you enjoyed it, and that i was not too long.

You can if you want, try their service by installing a free plan, names under the Freeman offer, for this, just click here

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My Minecraft server Hosting Pro review (2019)

Hello, I'm taking a bit time to write a review for a minecraft server hosting provider i'm currently using with success. It&...